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On the 5th edition of the SIGMA European Conference, Body Interact promoted a webinar with 4 international nursing educators where they were invited to share their opinion and experience within the use of virtual patients.

Miguel Padilha was our third speaker. By reflecting on the new challenges that healthcare educators are facing, Miguel highlighted the increase of technological literacy among students. With the demand of different styles of learning, educators are now asked to work under the constructivism paradigm – gamification is a good example.

Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, where Miguel is a nursing educator, always promoted active learning and facilitated time to build friendly learning environments. For this reason, in 2016, they acquired Body Interact. In the short term to ensure the same opportunities for all students and, in the long term, to ensure patient safety and quality care.


Photo by Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto

How to use Body Interact?

Within four years of studies, students have two years of theoretical classes and other two of clinical practice. From problem-based learning to simulation, Miguel uses Body Interact in three different ways:

  • Hybrid classroom – Build soft and hard skills by complementing Body Interact with other simulators who allow students to focus on the procedures and competencies
  • Debriefing sessions where the educator presents the optimal resolution of the clinical scenario to ensure students learn the best way to approach a patient with similar health conditions
  • Individual web access which allows educators to assign clinical scenarios to their students and use BI Studio (Learning Management System) to check their progress

In 2018, Miguel promoted a research study about the use of Body Interact in nursing education. The results demonstrated a 20.4% increase in knowledge retention. Body Interact helps students overtake pedagogical gaps, enhance satisfaction and contribute to the individual learning progress.

Want to know more about this and other studies developed by users of Body Interact? Take a look at our research page

Body Interact – SIGMA – Part 3

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Body Interact – SIGMA conference – Part 4 with Sofia Macedo, Manager Capacity Building from Saudi Patient Safety Center.

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