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Webinar: Empowering Teaching Excellence: Maximizing Classroom Impact with Body Interact

On Wednesday, January 17th, educators in the field of healthcare teaching gathered virtually for a groundbreaking webinar led by Ana Santa. Titled “Empowering Teaching Excellence: Maximizing Classroom Impact with Body Interact,” the webinar aimed to explore innovative strategies for enhancing student engagement in healthcare education. Ana Santa kicked off the session by delving into the crucial role of engagement in the learning process, specifically focusing on the potential of Body Interact.

Interactive Discussions on Best Practices for reaching Teaching Excellence

One of the webinar’s highlights was the interactive discussion segment, where participants had the opportunity to share their insights and best practices for engaging students in healthcare education. Educators from various institutions shared their successful strategies, creating a collaborative environment rich with ideas and experiences.

Body Interact Features and Strategies

Ana Santa seamlessly transitioned to the main focus of the webinar — utilizing Body Interact to enhance student engagement. She revealed several features and strategies, with a spotlight on the innovative use of Blended and Flipped Learning models. Ana demonstrated how these approaches effectively immerse students in the learning process, making education more interactive, dynamic, and aligned with real-world healthcare scenarios.

Real-World Solutions for Different Schools

The webinar did not just focus on a single approach. Ana Santa shared with the public several personalized strategies, aiming teaching excellence, suitable for different educational institutions. From medical schools to nursing programs, attendees gained insights into how Body Interact can be seamlessly integrated into various curricula.

A Student's Impactful Experience

A highlight of the webinar was a student sharing his positive experience with Body Interact in a simulation center. The student highlighted increased engagement and the transformative nature of simulation-based learning.


Ana Santa’s webinar showcased the transformative potential of Body Interact in healthcare education. Attendees left with practical strategies to elevate teaching excellence, emphasizing the importance of student engagement in the evolving landscape of healthcare education.

Dive into the future of healthcare education by watching the entire session here!

By  Ana Santa – MSN, APRN

Ana Santa