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Revolutionizing OSCEs with Virtual Patients

A fresh perspective in healthcare-based curriculum assessment

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OSCE Medical Education Body Interact

Assess clinical competencies with Virtual Patients

By introducing Virtual Patient Simulation through OSCE, you will boost confidence and cultivate expertise among future and current healthcare professionals

Standardized Evaluation

Exposing all students to the same OSCE scenarios provides a standardized foundation for assessing knowledge and skills. Students can access the scenarios independently while educators conduct evaluations simultaneously.

Cost and time efficiency

The manual grading process is one of the greatest challenges for educators. The new Body Interact OSCE scenarios, with embedded questions during and after simulations, alleviate this constraint by automatically and objectively grading students.

Curriculum integration

Body Interact library of ready-made clinical scenarios offers a wide range of possibilities, encompassing various health conditions, clinical specialties, and settings. Virtual Patients enable assessment across the spectrum, from common to rare, from simple to complex health issues.

Data organization and storage

All data is collected and organized meticulously. Information and grading for the OSCE questions per student, global performance metrics, detailed individual performance data, and an individual Excel file on the assessment checklist, if applicable.

OSCE Medical Education Body Interact student

OSCE in Medical Education

Perform clinical skills evaluation with virtual patient simulations.
Reduce students’ stress and anxiety on evaluations with a user-friendly platform ready for repetitive practice and delivering a safe environment.

Discover how to implement Body Interact’s virtual patients in your institution’s curriculum, ensuring individual success and high pass rates within your students’ community

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Download the OSCE eBook

Discover our informative ebook to explore all the details of Body Interact’s new OSCE clinical scenarios

A fresh perspective in healthcare-based curriculum assessment

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a comprehensive and objective method for evaluating clinical competencies and performance within simulated environments, conducted in a standardized and objective manner. It may be developed with either a formative or summative assessment goal.

OSECE Medical Education - Body Interact

An OSCE scenario is designed to evaluate students’ knowledge and skills relevant to the subject matter of the virtual clinical scenario, for which in key actions performed by the student, questions will be presented.

Questions within OSCE scenarios may be either multiple-choice or open-text format.

OSECE Medical Education - Body Interact

Body Interact is suitable for OSCE

Integrate Body Interact in your Sim Center, promoting in-situ training and remote learning.