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Watch top healthcare professionals and students’ testimonials

Dr. Matthew Martinez

“This is the way we’re going to learn in the future”

Dr. Mathew Martinez - Cardiology

BodyInteract testimony Eurico

Just like in the Emergency Room

Dr. Eurico Silva - Family Medicine

BodyInteract testimony manuel ramirez

“The students are very happy, they learn a lot, (…) they stress less than with the usual simulator.”

Dr. Manuel José Párraga Ramírez - Director of the Simulation and Clinical Skills at UCAM

BodyInteract testimony edward jauch

“A great advantage is building team-based expertise”

Dr. Edward Jauch - Professor and Director Division of Emergency Medicine

BodyInteract testimony Michael Kierna

“Helpful to retain information in a time efficient manner”

Dr. Michael Kiernan - Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

BodyInteract testimony ikenna david

“I’m sure this will improve the learning curve”

Dr. Ikenna David Ike - Intern at Russian National Research Medical University

BodyInteract testimony skyler griffith

“A good way to practising our guidelines. Overall, a wonderful experience!”

Dr. Skyler Griffith

BodyInteract testimony oscar perez

“The student, using Body Interact, finds himself involved in a simulated realistic clinical scenario.”

Dr. Óscar Martínez Pérez - Medicine and Surgery

BodyInteract testimony stillsmoking

“This is the wave of the future”

Dr. Kristina Stillsmoking - Director of SMART Hospital & So. TX Simulation Education Network at University Texas Rio Grande Valley

showcase RGV thumb

Rio Grande Valley (RGV) College

Rio Grande Valley College, Texas, US

showcase TSMU thumb 1

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (TSMU)

Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

BodyInteract testimony UCAM

“El estudiante puede aprender cualquiera patología poco frecuente”

Universidad Catolica de Murcia, Murcia, Spain

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