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Today’s complex healthcare environment requires proactive thinkers and decision makers. Competencies such as critical thinking, clinical reasoning and problem-solving are expected even before the students go on the clinical ward to practice and interact with patients.

At the same time, as the world continues to respond to the global pandemic, the educational system is trying to adapt to the new challenges. Universities were closed unexpectedly; clinical rotations were suspended and clinical practice was cancelled.

With limited time, institutions are looking for solutions that can keep the student’s learning curve ongoing while they are locked in their homes.

Promote practice continuity in a safe environment

Simulation-based clinical education provides a safe, risk-free, yet powerful approach to healthcare related education. Allied to the fact that Body Interact is a very attractive and enjoyable software – effectively improving student’s learning outcomes – it becomes immediately recognizable that virtual patients represent a great solution to guarantee students’ practice ongoing during this COVID-19 shutdown.

Body Interact allows the students to continue with their distance learning, either:

  • Mediated by the Professor, accessing clinical scenarios with virtual patients. In order to provide unlimited access to all learners and educators in the same campus, Body Interact presents a library of clinical scenarios with more than 18 clinical areas to select and share online, or
  • Individual Learner accounts. This option unlocks the ability to provide a personal account for each trainer/learner, at in the same institution.

Learner accounts: Training and Evaluation

The Learner accounts, are fast and easy to manage as you will be able to provide your learners with new clinical scenarios on the fly, depending on which package you’ve subscribed.

You can schedule a training session for tomorrows class, a new evaluation session based on the scenario you’ve built, or even better, let your learners train at home. It’s really flexible and easy to use.

Educators will also find our Learning Management System – the BI Studio – extremely useful, as it allows for data collection and storage, as well as the possibility to analyse it in detail per student, per session or per simulation.

Interested to know how you can integrate Body Interact in your curriculum?

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