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"Simtegration” in Pediatrics, an initiative of the Mexican Society of Pediatrics

Within the ’10th Pediatric Summit‘ of the Mexican Society of Pediatrics, a unique event unfolded, showcasing the innovative concept of ‘Simtegration’ in clinical training, where teams of residents’ from 8 health institutions carried a skills and knowledge rally in a hybrid simulation environment.

The participants toured four stations equipped with different simulators, where they showed their physical and technical skills, as well as their knowledge. The team of organizers evaluated them using an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).


The two best scores went to the final, where the team of organizers used a pediatric Virtual Patient with Body Interact, where the teams solved the same clinical scenario, to select the winner.

On this event the winner was the Siglo XXI National Medical Center. The second place, the La Raza National Medical Center and the third the Juárez de México Hospital.

A great innovation is to confront Pediatric residents with the use of different types of simulators, such as virtual patients, low-fidelity simulators, and parts simulators.

A great innovation from the Mexican Society of Pediatrics to develop future specialists in the field.


 Virtual Patient Challenge Mexico 2023 in Medicine and Nursing

Mexico held the 5th edition of the Virtual Patient Challenge (VPC) for medicine and the 2nd edition for nursing, using Body Interact Virtual Patients. The event counted on the participation of more than 120 students and teachers, with 26 medicine teams and four nursing teams, from more than 12 Mexican universities.


This year the event was held in a hybrid format, with the Universidad del Noreste (UNE) hosting the face-to-face teams in the city of Tampico, within the framework of the Celebration of the 53rd anniversary of the Dr. Jose Sierra Flores Medicine School.

Among the innovations of the contest, a round model was implemented, where all teams competed against each other, with the six best scores advancing to the semifinal, and later three to the final round.

Likewise, the use of joker cards was implemented, which allowed teams to access a consultation with their mentor teacher, make a change of team members or consult an artificial intelligence application such as ChatGPT or Bing chat.

The VPC was a success, generating a unique atmosphere of competition and coexistence among the participants.

The medicine semifinal was intensely experienced with the teams from the IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional), La Salle, the Military Medical School, the UVM (Universidad del Valle de México) and the UNE (Universidad del Noreste). While nursing counted on the participacion fromUNISA (Universidad de la Salud), UNITEC (Universidad Tecnológica de México) and UNE (Universidad del Noreste).

The winning teams were:


First place: UNE (Universidad del Noreste)

Second place: UNITEC (Universidad Tecnológica de México)


First place: UNE (Universidad del Noreste)

Second place: UVM (Universidad del Valle de México)

Third place: UNE (Universidad del Noreste)

The winning universities receive the VPC 2023 Trophy, as well as an individual award for the students and their mentor teacher and will represent Mexico in the global VPC.

In 2024 the VPC will be back to challenge Mexican students!

“Simtegration” in Hospitals

Sunbird, Body Interact Business partner, believes that Hospitals should offer simulation or clinical skills centers to develop skills for the doctors and nurses who work with them daily.

Sunbird, in collaboration with simulation entities, set up a hybrid simulation environment where those responsible for hospital simulation could understand and explore the potential of the integration of the two environments.

Simtegration”, blended simulation or as we know it better, hybrid simulation, where virtual patients are integrated with physical environemnts, such as mannequins or standardized patients.

For this activity, a case of a Virtual Patient was solved, using Body Interact, where participants were able to train clinical reasoning, decision making, teamwork, communication and pressure management, among other things, when their patient, are a clinical picture of a heart attack, he falls into unemployment.


Subsequently, the same scenario was recreated with an high-fidelity simulator and in one of the spaces of the facilities used, with cutting-edge technology. A team of doctors played the case in the simulator, while the rest observed in the room, thanks to the video system available.

Finally, debriefing and experience-sharing conversation among participants, was done and it was invaluable.

Participants from Médica Sur, Hospital Juárez de Mexico, INPER (Instituto Nacional de Perinatología), Hospital General de Mexico, SALUS, UNITEC, UVM, La Salle , Escuela Médico Militar, Escuela Militar de Enfermería, UNISA, Asociación de Médicos Familiares joined Sunbird in this activity.


All the news from Mexican Events were written by our Business Partner: Francisco Camargo, Ph.D.

Francisco Camargo, PhD