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Recently, the 7th Latin-American Congress in Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety, by Federation Latinamericana de Simulación Clínica y Seguridad del Paciente (FLASIC) Professors from the Medicine School Dr José Sierra Flores – Universidad del Noreste – presented a poster under the thematic of Critical Thinking Assessment.

Dr. María de Jesús García Martínez and Dr. Margarita Lizethe Melgoza Pelcastre, instructors at the Universidad del Noreste (Mexico) shared their experience with Body Interact in teaching and evaluating medical students. Review their testimonial bellow:

Critical Thinking Assessment

From February 2021 to November 2022, the Professors from UNE developed a research study with 418 students. Introducing the Virtual Patient Simulator to train their clinical reasoning and prepare for the Professional Examination, students obtained an overall average of 80.09%.

COVID-19 lockdowns also presented itself as a major challenge to clinical education, and doctors-to-be final evaluation was no exception. Body Interact – Virtual Patient Simulator – provides a strategy to assess clinical reasoning, in a remote way.

Virtual Patient Simulation in Medical Education

For the presented project different clinical scenarios from Body Interact were used to validate all the content meant to be assessed.

The protocol for this project was composed of two stages combined in three different moments:

  1. Two training sessions with the same three clinical scenarios, available for 10 days. One session without debriefing and the other one with a debriefing moment;
  2. One evaluation session in which one of those three cases was assigned for 24h. The students had to perform the simulation, recording it and by the end of it, a debriefing occurs.

Study conclusion

Clinical Reasoning

Evaluate clinical reasoning in three phases:

  1. Interpretation and analysis of collected information;
  2. Judgment of specific situations with objective and subjective data;
  3. Analysis of the consequences of the decision process.


Evaluation of decision-making is based on theoretical, scientific, epidemiological and clinical knowledge.


Feedback on actions allows to diminish risks and to propose viable approaches for the health problem presented.

Study Reference

Professors María de Jesús García Martínez, Margarita Lizethe Melgoza Pelcastre, and Clara Patricia Martínez Aguilar were the three authors of the presented poster. For a thorough analysis, you can find the poster in the Research menu of Body Interact.
Martínez M, Pelcastre M, Aguilar C (2023). Evaluación del pensamiento crítico en los médicos pasantes con la plataforma de pacientes virtual interactivo [Poster]. 7th Latin-American Congress in Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety, Cancun, Mexico, May 2023.
Critical Thinking Assessment

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By Daniela Abreu – Body Interact’s Instructional Designer

Daniela Abreu - Body Interact Instructional Designer