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Body Interact at Medical Simulation - Practical Applications and Technologies Congress

The 3rd edition of the Scientific Conference and Workshop “Medical Simulation – Practical Applications and Technologies” MEDSIM 2023, took place in September, in Bydgoszcz (Poland).
The 3-days event was hosted at the Nicolaus Copernicus University – Collegium Medicum and was solely dedicated to clinical simulation.

This year’s event was designed for educators who aim to learn or perfect teaching techniques using various simulation methods. Lectures and practical workshops were made available to participants, during which experienced educators conducted classes demonstrating various methods of teaching with medical simulation methods.

Hands-on workshop with Body Interact

Our Business partner, Simedu had the opportunity to develop a 30-minute workshop, with Body Interact, the Virtual Patient Simulator.
120 educators started simultaneously to solve the same virtual patient scenario. Individual login credential were used to log in to the software which gave an unique opportunity to collect individual statistics. After solving the case, a debriefing was conducted showing the potential of Body Interact Learning Management System,by presenting the data collected during practicing with the virtual patient.

Clinical Judgement

Participants feedback

The feedback provided was great and even technological skeptics mentioned that Body Interact is very useful and easy to use. Participants highlighted that Body Interact is a tool which can have a huge impact on students education, specially when it comes to clinical reasoning development.

Clinical Judgment

Presentation – OSCE Implementation in Nursing Degree

Professor Jessy Escobar, from the Laureate Group, in Mexico was invited to provide her experience regarding Body Interact Virtual Patients implementation for OSCEs in the nursing curriculum.

The Laureate group, in Mexico, is composed of two institutions – UNITEC and UVM. This group is composed of a large structure of campus focusing on teaching in the healthcare field, all over Mexico, and currently, they run 25 simulation centers.

OSCE implementation with Virtual Patients, at the Laureate Group México, started at 2021 and without any doubt this has been a successful project.

Professor Jessy Escobar mentioned that to the success of this project, a few facts can be highlighted:

  • The culture of simulation is already implemented in the curricula of the institution;
  • Development of high-quality assessment criteria and instruments;
  • Complexity of OSCE stations, suitable to the levels of students;
  • Logistics and preparation of the assessment.
This project is composed by a sequence of steps:

  1. Presentation of the projects and goals to the faculty;
  2.  Information provision to students regarding project and goals ;
  3. Organization of data in the Learning Management System of Body Interact ;
  4. OSCE implementation ;
  5. Feedback on performance;
  6. Questionnaire aimed to the students;

According to Professor Jessy Cantarero, this implementation of virtual OSCEs has many gains:

  • Requires less human resources when compared to face-to-face implementation;
  • Only requires, as a resource, a computer
  • It only takes the time of the virtual clinical case
  • It generates automatically outputs of the outcomes
  • Generates low to medium levels of stress

by Mirosław Kostyra 


Mirosław Kostyra, managing director at Simedu since 2018. 8 years’ experience in medical simulation.

Daniela Abreu – Instructional Designer for Body Interact

Daniela Abreu - Body Interact Instructional Designer

Daniela Abreu has a Master degree in Educational Sciences, and since 2018 she is the Instructional Designer for Body Interact.