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Ph.D. Candidate and simulation instructor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Hugrun Ösp Egilsdottir, introduced the concept of Immersive Simulation to the Body Interact Global Network event. With her help, the audience learned that this concept, although relatively new, showed increased research activity in the last year.

Professor Hugrun Ösp Egilsdottir’s presentation focused on the importance of debriefing with virtual patients in the context of immersive simulation, as an activity of continuous discussion and in-depth reflection between the student and the facilitator, and how it contributes to the development of clinical reasoning and decision-making skills

Review Ms. Ösp presentation and get to know the key factors that simulation educators should take into account in their crucial role as facilitators, to promote a safe learning environment, essential to in-depth debriefing with students. 

Don’t miss the chance of understanding how drawing the “silver lining” between different areas of knowledge along either one or different clinical scenarios and simulation sessions, can promote the development of clinical competency.

Body Interact Global Network event – Think Virtual: Part 4 with Hugrun Ösp Egilsdottir
(Ph.D. candidate, MSc, RN)

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