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Professor Paweł Więch from Rzeszów University, Poland, was the first speaker of Body Interacts’ Global Network 2021. 

His first contact with Body Interact was even before the pandemic situation and after exploring it with students from Nursing and Medicine curriculums, the university realized how helpful Body Interact is to foster the development of clinical reasoning and in the acquisition of non-technical skills, such as communication practice in a safe environment, for students.

Educators had the chance to get familiarized with the simulator and were quickly able to shift from presential classes to online classes due to the impact of the COVID-19 situation.

Get now the chance to review Professor Paweł Więch’s presentation.

Body Interact Global Network 2021 – Think Global: Part 1 with Paweł Więch
(Ph.D., DSc)

Take the change to read
Body Interact Global Network event – Think Global: Part 2 with Miguel Padilha
(Ph.D., CRRN, RN)